Tuesday, July 16, 2013

No day 2 today

The morning started quiet, then barking dogs broke the silence. This was later replaced by jet fighters doing maneuvers to the south. It sounded like an air show but they flew too low to the terrain to be seen from our rented house. 

The forecast is for stronger wind, more moisture and weaker climbs. So we will certainly have our work cut out for us today. Everyone seems ready, in a great mood and happy. Go TEAM!

Update: (the above was before leaving the house) today is cancelled for a task, though they are allowing free flying later with no retrieve or rescue services. 
Calling off the day. Local weather seminar this evening. Hot springs for those who are interested. Gear tweaking opportunity for many. 

Checking lines has been a big deal here as it is possible to be selected for a line check after landing in goal. You and your team captain are transported to headquarters and they perform the check.   If you are out of trim (slow) they will tell you and if you are out of trim (fast) you will be penalized. 

To make sure we are within tolerance of trim, Arnie, Eric and Josh were working on a laser line checker here at the house. 
Josh holding the laser at the end if the line where it mets the canopy, and aiming it at the target on the other end where the risers are attached. 
Arnie manually entering data (measurements) called out by Josh for each line. 
The target for the lazer is on a moving track attached to a 5 liter water bottle in the back to provide consistent tension.  It took all day to measure, enter the data and then interpret the lengths and make corrections for Josh and Eric on their Boomerang 9s. I'm not sure if Arnie worked on his or not. 

I heard there were some Slovak pilots at headquarters who were doing line checks for 50 euros. I had them do my Icepeak 6 (23) and they found that my wing tips were slow, yet symmetrical.  Not a bad thing, easily correctable. Pete has the same glider and loves his as do I with mine. 
This is the back of the target looking toward the glider being checked. 
Peter was helping the other guy (whose name i didn't get) who was doing all the measuring. They had a blue tooth lazer that entered the measurement automatically to the laptop on the table next to the target. They already had the spreadsheet for all current gliders and it would populate the spreadsheet as fast as he could shoot the beam to the target for each line measured. 
When finished measuring, they would both discuss the results and agree how to trim it to make it within spec for fast neutral or floaty (slow) all within legal tolerances. 

They were very pleased with the overall tolerances and trimmed the lines to be spot on trim. I was not the first in line so I watched 3 or 4 gliders get measured and trimmed before me, and I was very impressed. It turns out they do line checks for Nova paragliders, and are real pros. 
The checking of the final trim lengths on my wing after trimming at the quick link of the risers. 
Notice the extra looped part of the lines where they attatch to the quick link. Extra loop on the middle lines and double loop on the outside A-lines to speed up the tips.  It worked great on day one. I can rest assured my glider will pass if checked now too.  Priceless. 

7:30 tonight iwe are having dinner prepared for us at the house by Ana the host. This should be a real treat. I love the food here. Fresh vegetable salads (surprisingly little or no lettuce) with ham, cheese hard boiled egg etc. Entrees include  lean chicken, pork or beef or fish and sized to fill even ME up. Nice. 

Tomorrow is another day. We will charge then. Weather is as weather does?  

Tune in for task 2, hopefully soon. 

