Sunday, February 8, 2015


A favorite shot from the air. 

Today we slept in. We ate breakfast (desayuna) at 8:00am.
Wing/pilot list for group 1. 

All the departing pilots took care of last minute things, paid bar tabs, downloaded video clips and said their goodbyes. There was not enough time to sneak a flight in, so everyone had a more relaxed experience departing our tropical paradise. 

I didn't take a morning photo, but it looked like the day might work but would likely rain. It seemed better than the day before, and it did turn out to be better indeed, but cloudbase was low and it did rain here and there a bit.  Tomorrow, the first day of the new group, looks even better and according to Julian of the service staff at the hotel, it will be drier. 

I spent some of the day coloring hand drawn wing "cheat sheets" with help from Colin (from group 1) so all the guides will have an idea of the colors of the wings for each pilot in thieir group while flying and coaching them in the air. Marge spent hours creating a digital version on her computer. In the future, we will have it all on computer and just print it out each time iww make a change and in whatever order or arrangement we choose without physically having to cut and paste (or tape) as the case may be. 
My office for today. 

The new group of pilots have arrived at the hotel earlier this time and should be well rested for tomorrow. I have a tandem with Jim from Santa Barbara, and I'm all set to go. 
There was no meal planned so we all went to town and had pizza.  My youngest daughter Darla would have loved it, she loves pizza. Mia, her older sister, loves sweets like her dad. She would love the bakeries here:
Everyone in my family loves smoothies, and around here smoothies are as common as Starbucks coffee in Seattle. 
Rob really likes the guanabana smoothie and I love the mango with pineapple or with banana. You can't really go wrong. 

It's getting late now and we get up early so I am going to bed. 

Cheers and goodnight. 
