Friday, March 6, 2015

Treinta y cuatro

6 am sky. Looking really good. 
Still epic potential @ 7am. We are stoked.  

Yesterday there was talk of a reserve toss. It wasn't anyone in our group, but there was still a story or two to tell. I managed to misread the tandem board and show up to launch with my solo gear only, stranding Phyllis for the day.  Oops!  I apologized and she was a great sport, allowing me to fly her another day to make it up to her. It will be Sunday, the last day of the last tour.  Whew!  
Breakfast was delicious as usual. 

Yesterday Marge  found herself landing in a field that looked  clear, but on short final, she saw a 2 foot pipe with wires leading in opposite directions up and to either side of her. Unconventional yes, dangerous yes, but she landed safely, although she did knock out power to at least one home destroying a television. After negotiating a price for replacement, she was ushered via motorcycle to the nearest ATM to get cash, and that was that (about $200 USD). Bittersweet. 
The cyclists have a race today?

We left at 8:00 sharp only to find that the roads are closed from 8:00am until 12:30pm for the bike race. We chose to try an alternate route that the hikers used to get to launch. 
Farmer explaining our dilemma and plan. 
John and Rich riding the jeep tailgate. 

The road was good but very steep in places and we had to get out and walk for some sections. Adventure!
We got to launch in time. Conditions looked good and folks soared right away. The sky clouded and got dark at times but many had good flights. 
Great clouds but a bit too many at times. 

Most of my guys made it past Roldanillo, and Seth went halfway to Tulua with Skyler, landing eventually in mostly full shade. 
New friends at the military training camp. 

The west wind arrived strongly. Farmer, Bianca and I found ourselves as the soul survivors and flew back north to Zarsal landing in 15mph+ wind in or near the military base. All safe. 
Mr hand made a cameo appearance!
I got back I time to repair a zipper on my backpack and prep for my talk. All good!

Super tired after dinner. Got to FaceTime with the family at about 10:30pm. All zzzzz's by 11:00pm. 
