Sunday, January 26, 2014


The day looked similar to days before but one of the retrieve drivers indicated it was a bit too cloudy. Uh-ohh. 
We got out right on time and headed for the higher launch to avoid the comp and their last day. We were surrounded by clouds on take off but readied ourselves nonetheless. A horse showed interest and joined us for a group photo while there. 

Bradley was off first and found lift out front where te clouds weren't touching the terrain. He would eventually fly back to La Union, followed by John B who landed about half way there. Josh and Arry launched too landing in Roldanillo. I became a passenger for Dawn, who was working on her tandem. We took off just as it began to rain. We flew out in light drizzle, found a climb, still raining, then mad a glide to try and get upwind of the wet.  No dice.
We landed nicely on the edge of Roldanillo and had to cover the gear once more while we waited for yet another sprinkle to stop.  Everything was damp, but we packed up anyway, and walked a few blocks into the town center and had a nice lunch at the favorite chicken spot. 
 We caught a bus back with josh and Arry and had plenty of time to flake out the tandem gear and let it dry before repacking it. 

The wind in the downstairs dining area did a great job and it was ready in no time.
Meanwhile, as we sat by the pool, petting Negrito the hotel dog, the others didn't fair so well up top, crowding into the small shack on launch, after covering gear with plastic bags given to them on the first day for situations such as this. 
Later we found ourselves in the town square, people watching and being watched. In fact, a local news guy rode up on a scooter and asked if I spoke any Spanish.  Moments later he pulls out a small cancorder and starts interviewing me as spokesman for for our group. We are supposed to air at 8 pm the next day on channel 22. Who knew?
My knee still hurts but I plan to hydrogen peroxide it today and stay on top of it. 
All good.  Cheers!

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