Saturday, February 27, 2016

Day 6 Tour 3

Now That is whst i like to see, the sun!
Breakfast included fresh fruit, some sort of open face tamale, croissants with ham and cheese hiding inside and fresh juice that I couldn't identify.
Leaf cutter ants have decimated the tree next to the stairs at launch. They walk past the steps in a constant stream carrying little green leaf parts back to their lair. Awesome to watch.
Matt Henzi dropped by from Roldanillo. 
He top landed next to his friend Bianca, had a short chat and then flew off again on his (identical to mine) ice peak 6 glider. Style points. 
The clouds were pumping and everyone was up at hanging out at cloud base today. It was our best day yet. Most pilots made it well into the middle of the valley, many flying to Zarsal and beyond.
I had my entire group with me over Zarsal and we got above 8000' when I pushed out with Randy and Marge close behind me towards the chicken sheds on our way to La Vitoria. We sunk like bricks and landed shortly after, watching from the ground as the slower pilots found lift where just minutes before we had searched and found none. 
Randy on the bus to Zarsal.

In the end John G, and Clyde landed there too. Juho and Chris both got up and away as Janelle  and Sarah (from Rob's Group)  struggled to find The climb. I grabbed  my radios and grave some radio coaching from the ground until they were high again when Rob took over from cloudbase. They both had personal bests today. Super cool. 
John, Marge, myself and Clyde rolling. 

After our short trip to Zarsal, the Cipri rolled up and we all jumped on.
Flacko rolled up with a cooler full of drinks and Marge bought us all a round.
Thanks Marge!  Her son Josh landed near La Vitoria, with a sum total of less than 5 hours airtime to date.  Sweet!
Janelle. Landed near there too, and rode busses and a motorcycle to get back. Adventure!
The west wind blew in, the sky turned grey and everyone stayed safely on the far side of the valley having flown and landed out near Cartago, Obando and La Vitoria. Perfect. 
We sat around the pool and discussed the fabulous day, reviewing and sharing our accomplishments and lessons learned. Tomorrow is our last day to fly. It looks to be another epic day.  I'm so happy for, and proud of my group. This was such a great day for so many. We are going to have an early breakfast due to the bicycle race tomorrow.

Gotta get to sleep now,
Sueños dulces!


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