Thursday, February 18, 2016

Day3 tour 2

What a beautiful morning!  I would fly with my group for the first time today.  It looked really good to me. 
The lighting was just stunning this am. 
A bowl of fruit was all I could muster but I was feeling good.
Flacko gifted me these Colombian specs to celebrate my return. I think they work?
This shot is for my daughters at Elmhurst Elementary School, Home of the Eagles!

I was determined to kick start my metabolism, I hiked my pack up to launch. Ugh!  But I did it. 

The day started oddly but worked out deapite the different cloud formations. A few of my guys made it out to the flats, a few did not. It was great to fly with them all just the same. 
Rob Milley sporting Colombian colors!

Rob Sporrer rocking custom colors too.

High above it all, heading North to Cartago, and back towards Obando. Nice big day. Nearly 4 hours.
Waiting with Tony for a ride. None of us made it all the way back into the increasing south wind. All good.
I'm officially back!

Hasta mañana amigos. 


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